Monday, January 29, 2024

Honolulu Cold Homicide by R. Barri Flowers - 3 Stars!

When a new case carries echoes of his sister’s cold case murder, Detective Sergeant Lance Warner is visited by another ghost from the past. Caroline Yashima isn’t only the CJD specialist assigned to work alongside him, she’s also the ex he regrets walking away from. He’s not sure if he can expect a second chance—or just a chance for closure. But when Caroline becomes a target, he knows that he doesn’t want to live without her.
This was an enjoyable romantic suspense story with two great main characters who had depth, strengths, and flaws that made them feel real. I felt the romance between them and was glad for the happy ending. The only thing I didn't like was that they showed too much violence in the beginning. I like cozy mysteries and showing the murder on the page will turn me off. This review is my unbiased opinion. Thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin for this ARC.


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