Friday, February 2, 2024

The Enchanted Music Box by Cindy Kirk - 5 Stars!

Successful businesswoman Annie Laggett's life is forever changed when she impulsively picks up a vintage music box that had been tossed to the curb. At home, as strains from the music box fill the air, Annie is transported back to first observe the past, then the present from the role of an observer and finally to see what her future could hold depending on what course she takes.
As I read this story, something strange started happening. I saw parallels between the main character's life and my own. I looked at a relationship I was in with a new perspective. And the subsequent change has made my life better with less drama. I think this is the best novel Ms. Kirk has ever written, (for obvious reasons) and I believe if you love contemporary romance, you need to read a Kirk romance!


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