Saturday, September 24, 2022

Love and the Heat of Competition!


The Make-Up TestThe Make-Up Test by Jenny L. Howe
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Can two people who have a past compete for the same opportunity while rebuilding their relationship? This contemporary romance is about two students who broke up after competing for something each of them wanted, only for it to happen again. Does love conquer the heat of competition?
I wanted to love this story more, but I felt it was too one-sided. Both main characters were likeably flawed and very human. The challenge of the heroine to love herself and have confidence despite her father’s deriding and apathetic attitude is something I know happens in reality. I liked how the hero had actually showed the heroine that he had changed and deserved a chance in her life. What I didn’t like was the way the heroine was lying yet felt betrayed when she thought the hero cheated. She never asked him about it, just thought that she was wronged. And then, she didn’t go over and apologize, she waited until he apologized to her. I felt that she needed to step up and take responsibility for what she did. I felt the hero was being too submissive and there was an inequality in the relationship that annoyed me. Overall, this is a good story which should be used in discussions about honesty and trust in relationships. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this advanced reader’s copy. This review is my unbiased opinion.

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