Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Heiress at Sea by Christy Caldwell - 2 stars!

Perpetually unattached Lady Cassia McQuoid masquerades as a thrill-seeking lad and stows away on a ship bound for open waters. Adventure awaits. Nathaniel doesn’t want to be the Duke of Roxburghe. Instead, the second-born son pursues enemy ships in service of the war effort. But when his older brother dies, Nathaniel embarks on one last mission before he fulfills his ducal duties with an arranged marriage. That’s the intention, until he discovers that his green deckhand is a fetching but vulnerable woman in disguise. Nathaniel’s new mission is to protect Cassia from the perils of the sea, both above and below the water, by sharing the close confines of the captain’s quarters. As roiling emotions turn to love, Nathaniel and Cassia realize the greatest risks still lie ahead.
When I found this arc on NetGalley, I was very excited. I have read several Christie Caldwell's romances and found them a great distraction and a wonderful way to spend my reading time. I am entirely surprised by this story though. Lady Cassia McQuoid has got to be the dumbest historical romance heroine I've ever read. And, since I need to at least like my heroines in a novel, I could barely finish this book. The character of Nathaniel was much more likable and intelligently written. I didn't think it was right for him to end up with Cassia. If it wasn't for the male character, and the plot I don't think I could have finished this book. Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake Publishing for the opportunity of reading this advanced reader's copy. This review is my unbiased opinion.


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