Sunday, May 5, 2024

Cinderella's Forbidden Prince by Ruby Basu - 4 stars!


As conservator Priya starts her first day at the palace on Adysara, the excitement of landing her dream project still hasn’t faded! But it’s Prince Rohan’s unexpected offer to be her tour guide that truly has her heart racing. While visiting the island’s caves and murals, she can’t ignore how he makes her feel. Yet Rohan is duty bound to “marry well.” Is a forbidden fling with the prince a line she’s willing to cross?
This was a great little romance to read after something heavy and daunting. The characters were well written and likable, and the plot was sweet and not overly sensual. Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Romance for the opportunity and honor of reading this advanced reader's copy. This review is my unbiased opinion.

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