Monday, January 15, 2024

Cinderella and the Duke by Lydia Drake - 4 Stars!

The Weatherford Ball is the last chance Julia Beaumont has to escape the clutches of her stepmother. Any potential husband will do. But all of Julia’s matrimonial chances are obliterated by the actions of an infuriating and rakish duke. Gregory Carter, Duke of Ashworth, would never risk his bachelorhood by flirting with marriage-minded debutantes. But one look at the beautiful and clever Julia, and he simply can’t resist a kiss. Then just as things start getting interesting, the lady flees, leaving only a slipper behind.
This was a fun, and romantic story. Both main characters were deliciously created, and they seemed real enough that I was invested in the plot until the end. I loved reading about historic England. It's fun to read about the balls and the ton. I will read more from this author. Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the honor of reading this advanced reader's copy.


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