Monday, August 21, 2023

The Angel in the Square by Cindy Kirk - 5 Stars!


After being accused of a crime she didn't commit, Jenna takes her aunt on a road trip. On the way, she picks up a girl she thinks she knows. But this girl has a story and a past that is both mysterious and unbelievable. And this girl will change the course of Jenna's life forever. 
Ms. Kirk has been blessed by God to create stories that people need to read. And I wish that the worlds she creates could be real. The setting of this story seems like an ordinary small town, but strange and wonderful things happen there. There is just enough description that I could feel the rain or feel the warmth of the spring day. The characters she creates are well developed with both strengths and weaknesses. The plot of this story made me think about the truth about life and how we all need to find our true happiness. If I could give it 10 stars, I would! 

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