Friday, September 16, 2022

A Rejected Gentleman!


The Jilted GentlemanThe Jilted Gentleman by Lisa Torquay
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Lady Elvina Dankworth, the daughter of the Duke of Rutherford, sees a future with a perfect match and luxurious town functions. However, as she meets the mill-owner whose lands border her family's, she’s smitten, though a match with a man of trade is out of the question. But as tragedy strikes, he might be the only man willing to protect her. Mr. Percy Russell, the biggest mill-owner in the land, feels ravaged by the sight of the feisty lady. He can't stop wanting her. Worse, he's not about to stand at an altar only to be jilted again, ever. But when scandal explodes and Elvina falls from grace, he’ll do anything to protect his spitfire.
I really wanted to love this historical romance more. Elvina and Percy were very likeable and the side characters were interesting. The plot was good, although I couldn’t connect with the story. The writing was difficult and some mistakes took me out of the story and I felt more editing was needed. I want to read more from this series. I received an advanced reader’s copy from the publisher. This review is my honest opinion.

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