Sunday, September 29, 2024

Blueberry Blunder by Amanda Flower - 5 Stars!

Bailey King, star of TV's Bailey's Amish Sweets, is building her dream candy factory in Harvest, Ohio. But no sooner is the frame of the new building up than she finds the dead body of her surly contractor who has a long list of enemies. To add to the drama, Bailey is being filmed by a crew for her upcoming show. When Bailey's TV producer pitched a reality show about building the factory, Bailey was shocked that the network picked it up. Although, many of the Amish working on the jobsite refuse to be on camera. Bailey will have to sift through a crowd of angry villagers to solve the murder, save her new venture, and protect her Amish friends.
This was a fun and satisfying cozy mystery to read. I love Bailey King and the way she respects other faiths and her friends. She always stands up for them, and when they're in trouble, she will help them, and fight for them. I love reading about the other characters who appear in every story, like Jethro, it wouldn't be an Amish Candy Shop Mystery without him. I loved the ending of this story, it was very enjoyable. If you love cozies, don't pass this one up! Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for this advanced reader's copy. This review is my unbiased opinion.


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