Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Once A Princess by Johanna Lindsey - 3 Stars! (Read for Retro Romance Readathon)

Once Upon A Time...In a rustic Mississippi tavern, a beautiful, exiled princess was forced to dance for the pleasure of others unaware of her regal birthright, and infuriated by a magnificent golden-eyed devil who crossed an ocean to find her. A prince came to America to find his betrothed. Will she return with him and risk her life for true love?
In the past, Johanna Lindsey was a favorite author of mine. I loved the diabolical characters she created, and the romantic settings she placed them in with plots that made you turn the pages into the wee hours of the morning. But reading this novel now made me cringe a little. The female main character had to endure things that were not romantic and forced on her. This novel would not make it with today's readers, in my opinion. But the plot was so intriguing I couldn't put it down and that is why I gave it 3 Stars.


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