Sunday, December 24, 2023

Rules of Their Royal Wedding Night by Michelle Smart - 3 Stars!

After marrying solely for convenience and to produce an heir, Crown Prince Amadeo doesn’t expect to find such passion on his wedding night. He senses there’s more to shy Elsbeth than she reveals, but self-controlled Amadeo cannot allow emotion to distract him from his duty. Elsbeth is prepared for a loveless union, anything’s better than the cruelty she left behind. She’s unprepared for her growing feelings for Amadeo. But when her husband always follows the rules, can she convince him to break them for her?
This was an interesting romance. I was drawn to it because it was about royalty. But Elsbeth's circumstances was a little outdated in my opinion. I felt the chemistry between the two main characters, and the climax made it a satisfying read. Thanks to Harlequin Romance and NetGalley for the honor of reading this advanced reader's copy. This review is my unbiased opinion.


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