Saturday, November 11, 2023

Bookclubbed to Death by V. M. Burns - 5 Stars!

After the local library in North Harbor, Michigan, is flooded in a storm, Sam offers her bookstore as a new venue for the Mystery Mavens Book Club. Unfortunately, she immediately runs afoul of the club leader, Delia Marshall, a book reviewer who can make or break careers. But the next morning, Sam opens her shop to find Delia dead on the floor, bashed with the Complete Works of Agatha Christie. While Sam is busy writing her latest British historical mystery, a pair of ambitious cops suspect Sam of the real murder. When she gathers Nano Jo and their friends to review the case, they discover everyone in the book club had a motive. Sam must find out who clubbed Delia before a judge throws the book at her.
This was a great cozy mystery to curl up to on a cold November night. I love how there is a mystery inside of the story. I loved both plots, and the characters in both stories are very likeable. I would love the author to actually write a full-sized historical mystery with the characters created by her amateur sleuth. I will read the next book in this series. Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for this advanced reader's copy.

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